Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm a Serious Slacker

I want to apologize.  I initially wanted to do daily updates for the blog, but with each post taking roughly an hour and trying to work overtime semi-regularly, I should have know that was not realistic.  I am feeling a bit trapped by work and family/friend obligations, and I've not stayed dedicated to that commitment.  Heck, it didn't even last a week.  I told my fiancé I wanted to do daily updates, because I wanted to go big or not at all, and he told me that was too ambitious.  I thought it smarter to force myself to get used to the biggest workload possible.  I was super wrong.  He was right, and though I still need to make a commitment, a post every day probably won't happen for a while.

Instead, I have decided on a schedule of updates.  I want to do swatches and reviews as well as actual makeup looks, so I need to do multiple posts in a week.  I anticipate swatch and review posts being easier than posts with write-ups for looks, so they make more sense for during the week.  That being said, here is my tentative schedule.

   Sunday: Makeup look with written tutorial/walkthrough and tips, either on my face or someone else's.

   Wednesday: Swatch post with brief description/review of each product featured

   Saturday: Same as Sunday

I say "tentative", because I also really enjoy teaching.  Once I build a bit of an audience and get some feedback, I'd love to make Saturday the day for looks and Sunday a Q&A/teaching post.  That'll give me a wide variety of stuff I do with the blog to keep things interesting, especially while I am practicing still and doing most of my looks on my own face (which looks suspiciously like vanity, and I want to avoid that if at all possible).

Again, I apologize for capturing your attention and getting all hypy about daily updates.  Hopefully, the schedule will make this undertaking more bearable and make it feel less like an obligation.  I want this to be fun, because I enjoy gushing about makeup and talking about techniques and products

Here's to breathing new life into a project that was in its infancy to begin with!

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